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Do you want to increase the visibility of your music on streaming platforms? The solution is to upgrade your music to Dolby Atmos Music.

The Reason Why You Need To Care About Dolby Atmos Music

Ever since Apple announced support for Dolby Atmos Music on Apple Music in 2021, many artists and engineers have been producing a significant amount of Dolby Atmos content. Tens of thousands of Dolby Atmos music tracks are added to streaming platforms every day. Platforms like Apple Music, Tidal, and Amazon Music are actively promoting Dolby Atmos music. Any music produced in Dolby Atmos is prioritized for promotion in playlists. Being featured in playlists means more clicks and listens, which translates to increased popularity and ultimately, higher revenue. Therefore, in an era where there is an abundance of song choices, upgrading your music to Dolby Atmos is a key way to stand out, providing more opportunities for your music to be discovered by a wider audience.

More platforms will support Dolby Atmos in the future. Therefore, upgrade your music to Dolby Atmos and get ready for Dolby Atmos Music.

Work with Derek

I am a professional mixing engineer and have collaborated with many artists, musicians, bands, and film composers. The demand for film mixing has given me unique experience in surround sound mixing and immersive mixing. Also, I’m mixing all music in the certificated Dolby Atmos Music Studio. Your music will shine brightly under my mixing expertise, and you will receive a Dolby Atmos commercial music mix that meets market expectations and can be released directly.